Friday 13 October 2000

Michael Pearce: The Mamur Zapt and the Donkey-Vous (1990)

Edition: Collins, 1990
Review number: 654

The third Mamur Zapt novel (I think) is very like the other one I have read (The Mamur Zapt and the Men Behind). The whole series is going to consist of gentle, amusing crime stories set in Cairo about a century ago. They're very enjoyable, so similarity won't stop me continuing to read them.

The plot of this novel is about an investigation into kidnappings of tourists from the terrace of Shepheards, the most exclusive hotel in Cairo. The major mystery is how presumably unwilling victims could disappear without anyone seeing it happen, in a place not only thronged by hotel guests but full of anxious vendors. The "donkey-vous" of the absurd title is like a taxi rank, with donkeys for hire, outside the hotel.

Entertaining, easy on the mind; an excellent book to relax with.

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